In today’s world where mathematics is increasingly a gatekeeper, all K-12 students need to become mathematically proficient. Families and caregivers have roles in ensuring that all students have access and a disposition to learn mathematics.
MEC’s Math at Home section is based on the belief that children can learn mathematics if:
- they are taught in meaningful, engaging and relevant ways
- they work hard and believe they can become mathematically powerful.
There are many ways families can help children understand and use mathematics. For example, children need to know that important adults in their lives – parents, teachers and others – believe they can learn math. Students need a regular time and space to do their homework. Family members can guide students as they complete homework by asking questions as children solve the problems.
Families can do math together when shopping, playing games and describing the world around them. The Games link in the Math At Home section suggests fun family learning experiences that engage children with mathematics. Repeatedly playing math games can help children think logically, reason mathematically and learn basic facts. The Website links connect to resources for families and math sites that can ignite children’s enthusiasm for mathematics.