4-Day Mathematics Content Workshops
In order to teach mathematics in powerful and empowering ways, teachers must first learn mathematics in powerful and empowering ways.
This series of three high quality mathematics content workshops was developed around unifying themes of the CCSS as the centerpiece of the MEC MSP.
The workshops engage teachers across the grades 4 -20 continuum as learners of mathematics and deepen their mathematics content knowledge for teaching, while modeling and supporting deep shifts in the culture of math classrooms.
The three workshops are:
- Ratio and Proportional Reasoning: A Unifying Theme of the Washington State Mathematics Learning Standards (CCSS)
- Rational Numbers: A Unifying Theme of the Washington State Mathematics Learning Standards (CCSS)
- Expressions and Equations: A Unifying Theme of the Washington State Mathematics Learning Standards (CCSS)
These workshops are now being facilitated by teacher leader teams throughout Washington State.
“As teachers, we sometimes forget how hard learning something new can be. Through these workshops, we were able to experience working hard to solve a problem, feeling frustrated at not reaching understanding yet, having our “aha” moments. Learning math differently and more deeply than I did when I went through school has been extremely valuable for me both as a student and as a teacher of mathematics.”
Middle School Teacher, WA
If you would like to bring these workshops to your area, please contact your local Washington State ESD or contact MEC directly.