Ruth Parker, Cathy Humphreys, and the Mathematics Education Collaborative are pleased to announce…
Transforming Mathematics Classrooms through Number Talks:
A Leadership Academy
in Colorado
Mathematics education leaders Lisa Mesple and Sandie Gilliam are in the process of establishing Number Talks Support Teams in multiple regions around the state of Colorado.
This project will implement similar project components and build on the success of the MEC MSP while using Number Talks as the vehicle for transforming mathematics instruction. We hope you will want to partner with us in this professional development and leadership development endeavor!
For important project details, please download the following documents:
Project Flyer – Please share this flyer with any teachers, schools, or districts you believe will also want to join us in the exciting project.
Project Plan – Learn more about the intent and scope of the work, as well as how you might be involved.
How Number Talks Transform Classrooms – Learn how Number Talks will be used to bring about fundamental shifts for both students and teachers.
Letters of Commitment – Find out exactly what information is needed in a Letter of Commitment.
Letters of Commitment are needed no later than February 28, 2017
If you have questions or are interested in sponsoring a team of Number Talk Support Team Leaders in Washington, please contact Sandie Gilliam using the email address included in the documents above.
We look forward to partnering with you to profoundly impact mathematics teaching and learning in your region!