MEC Leadership Sessions focus on building leadership capacity for a broad range of current and future mathematics leaders: teachers, math coaches, mathematics leaders and administrators.
MEC recognizes the importance of building local and national leadership capacity to improve mathematics education for every K-12 student. MEC leadership sessions embedded in the Community Engagement Model directly focus on building leadership capacity for a broad range of current and future mathematics leaders. Two formats of the Parent Night leadership conferences support leaders using the Supporting School Mathematics workshops series developed by MEC.
Leaders are empowered as they deepen their knowledge of mathematics and the ways people think about and learn mathematics. They gain confidence to make informed decisions, and to work with colleagues, parents and community members.
MEC Leadership sessions include:
- Administrator Mathematics Leadership – for principals, administrators and other leaders
- Teacher Mathematics Leadership – for current and future mathematics leaders
- Regional Mathematics Leadership – for cadres of lead interns and mathematics leaders from regions throughout the country
- Community Math Night Leadership – for leaders using the Supporting School Mathematics workshop series developed by MEC.
Supporting School Mathematics Leadership sessions are described in this section. Descriptions of leadership sessions for administrators, teachers and regional leaders are in the Community Engagement section (Model Components).