In order to teach mathematics in powerful and empowering ways, teachers must first learn mathematics in powerful and empowering ways.
The MEC MSP creates the potential to provide all grades 4 through 14 math teachers in Washington State with sustained opportunities to learn mathematics.
A series of high quality mathematics content workshops around unifying themes for grades 4 – 10 are the centerpiece of the MEC MSP. The workshops engage teachers as learners of mathematics and deepen their mathematics content knowledge for teaching, while modeling and supporting deep shifts in the culture of math classrooms. Many, many teachers describe these workshops as “life-changing.”
These three 4-day workshops (and accompanying Presenter’s Guides) have been developed, piloted, and are now being facilitated by RMC/RMST teams throughout the state.
In addition to the 4-day workshops, MEC developed a 2-day Number Talk Institute that has been offered to RMSTs and their colleagues in several regions of the state.
“The most important thing about this work that we have done together is that we as teachers are able to experience the concepts as learners through the workshops. It has been through that experience that I have learned how I see things and watched how my peers have seen things, which has opened up my mindset and freed me of dependence on algorithms I could do but didn’t really understand.”
Middle School Teacher, WA
“In my classroom now, there is an enthusiasm for mathematics. There is engagement. There is sense-making.”
Elementary Teacher, WA